65,000 words

The good news: we’ve reached our 65K word goal! Hooray! The not-as-good news: the book isn’t actually done yet. 65K brought us near the end of the book, but there is still a bit more story to tell. We’re still close to finishing! After that, we’ll still have a round of revision & polishing, and…… Continue reading 65,000 words

Another reason to care about diversity

In addition to all of the traditional reasons for supporting diversity, I propose a new reason: that diverse teams will support each other better, resulting in a higher-quality work environment for everyone. The percentage of women in tech is currently unsustainably low, yet if we can raise that percentage and build a culture of welcoming…… Continue reading Another reason to care about diversity

50,000 words – almost there!

The book is in the home stretches now: I’ve just approved the 50,000 word milestone of the manuscript. We’re within reaching distance of our 65K goal! After that, we’ll still have a round of revision & polishing to do, and then I have to shift gears and start shopping the book with publishers.   I’d…… Continue reading 50,000 words – almost there!

35,000 words – over half-way!

Just a quick note that the book has reached 35,000 words.  Our target is 65K so we’ve passed the half-way point!  The plot is developing nicely.  My writer has really done a great job setting the tone to be interesting to young adults and “real adults” (if I finally have to consider myself that) alike. …… Continue reading 35,000 words – over half-way!