We Need Diverse Books

Friends, an organization called We Need Diverse Books is trying to change the world so that all children can see themselves in the pages of a book. Their current fundraiser will directly help put inclusive books in the hands of children. I care about this organization, and I want to ask you to help support…… Continue reading We Need Diverse Books

Supporting Diversity in Tech

In which we all support young people who are pursuing tech careers! Hey friends, guess what – I got paid! Now I know it takes *months* for authors to get paid! Raven was released on May 20, and the first author payment came July 28. Even that was only part of the initial month of…… Continue reading Supporting Diversity in Tech

Another reason to care about diversity

In addition to all of the traditional reasons for supporting diversity, I propose a new reason: that diverse teams will support each other better, resulting in a higher-quality work environment for everyone. The percentage of women in tech is currently unsustainably low, yet if we can raise that percentage and build a culture of welcoming…… Continue reading Another reason to care about diversity

Fascinating stuff in our software pipeline numbers

Our production of CS degrees has gone through a couple of boom-and-bust cycles, and we’re currently well into a third boom. Meanwhile, the percentage of women in CS peaked at its all-time high in our first boom and has declined with each bust since then.